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9 Feb

Ska det vara Do eller Make?

2017-02-09 18:47
Ska det vara Do eller Make?
Vad tror du, heter det Do a change - eller Make a change? Just det här fastnar vi svenskar ofta på när vi ska prata engelska. Den här podden handlar om det, vilket är tur - för det finns ingen språkregel som kan hjälpa oss!
Ska det vara Do eller Make?
Lätt göra fel på Do och Make

Chapter 12 

K –Do you remember? During our last blog, we talked about some common problems that Swedish speakers experience. 
M - Yes, I remember.
K – I sometimes wonder when to use “do” – and when to use “make”.
M - Yes, because you only use one verb in Swedish – göra – we have a choice of “do” or “make”. 
K – Just to make things easier!? How do I know which to use? 
M – That is a problem. You have to have a feel for it. 
K – Which are the most common problem areas?
M – What do you mean - in business? 
K – Yes.
M – Okay, let’s have a little quiz. Are you ready?
K – Yes!
M – Right! Changes?
K – Make changes?
M – That’s correct - make changes. A decision?
K – Make?
M – That’s right - making a decision. A job?
K – Eh, well; do!
M – Good - doing a job. A mistake?
K – Make a mistake!
M – Right – making a mistake. Well done Karina. Let’s have a more difficult one; a complaint. How about that?
K – I think it should be “make”…
M – Well, goodness me! Well done – make a complaint.
K – OK, Mike.  Are there any rules about this?
M – No, there really aren’t. You need to have a feeling for the correct choice. It has to sound right. But the problem is that people who don’t often use the language aren’t certain how it should sound. 
K – So – what’s the solution?
M – Well, as so often in life, practice makes perfect. When you hear a phrase, which includes “do” or “make”, try to memorise it.
K – How do you mean? 
M – Well, after you’ve heard a phrase with “make” or “do”, you can repeat it to yourself a few times and look for an opportunity to use it. For example, when you’re watching TV, you might hear phrases like “Don’t make fun of me” or “Have you done your homework?” Repeat these, remember them and use them! Okay?
K – I will never be able to look upon TV-series the same way again, I will always listen out for “do” and “make” – and then never do a mistake!
M –Haha!  You mean make a mistake!
K – Åhh!

A useful hint from your favourite coach: 
Due to Swedish using the same verb, göra for “do” and “make” it is difficult for Swedish speakers to know whether to use “do” or “make” and this problem affects most speakers. There is really no alternative than to memorise separate usages and practice them.
 You can also make a list for “do” and a list for “make”, listing the appropriate object below each and then practice, practice, practice!
