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1 Jun

På utflykt i trädgården

2018-06-01 16:55
På utflykt i trädgården
Vi bestämde oss för att ta mikrofonerna och åka på utflykt till Bergianska Trädgården. Här pratar vi växter och njuter av vårsolen samtidigt som Mike visar prov på god fågelkännedom.
Chapter 21 In the Botanical Garden

On Excursion to the Botanical Garden
Chapter 21

In this chapter we go on excursion to Bergianska Trädgården, the Bergius Botanic Garden, in Stockholm. A wonderful place to be, especially when the sun is out, and all sorts of plants and trees are blooming. The May weather just couldn’t be better. We talk about different plants, trees and a few birds. 

Some useful words to know from this chapter:
Bushes, shrubs - buskar
Plants – växter
Flowers - blommor 
Handkerchief Tree – Näsduksträd
Bloom – blommar
Flowering plant – blommande växt
Willow – Pilträd
Weeping Willow – Hängpil alt. Tårpil 
Lilac – Syren
Chirp, twitter, tweet - kvittra
Mistletoe – Mistel
Protected – fridlyst
Oak – Ek
Swifts – Tornseglare
Excursion – utflykt

To find out more about Bergianska Trädgården, the Bergius Botanic Garden, please visit the web page 


A useful hint from Mike: 
In this chapter Karina mentions the Handkerchief Tree as, “flowering right now”. A better way to express this would be “the tree is blooming right now”. 
There are several words to describe the same thing, although with slightly different meanings: “Flowering” is a more appropriate word to use to describe the whole process, from bud to flower. 
“Blooming” is when the blossoms really start to open. 
Example; a tree can be in a flowering phase for several weeks during spring. For instance, it can start blooming on a Thursday, and be in full blossom the very next day. 

Best regards 
Mike Ward, English coach 


Production: Med enkla ord
